Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Magazine Pre production

For preproduction of our magazine cover and contents page we had to first draw up a plan on an A3 piece of papier. We firstly, had to name our magazine but the name had to have something to do with school life and then make up some sub headers and articles. We also had to plan every aspect of the magazine including text types and the colour scheme, we were allowed 3 of each, we also had to decide the pose of the model.

 I took some inspiration for the layout of my magazine from this copy of  "The Face"

We then had to design the contents page of our magazine, indicating how it would be layed out with our text and pictures, we also had to use the same colours and fonts from the front page. The bits i found hard about this was thinking of articles for the magazine and justification of certain aspects, the model for example. I look forward to the photoshoppin'.

1 comment:

  1. Sam. Can you directly cut and paste the brief from the exam board (its on my blog).

    Well done for being honest about the problems faced, could you expand on the thought process behind this.

    Oh and remove your twitter feed.
